Useful Pointers to Increase Website Speed (Part 2)
In part 1, I discussed how to increase your page speed. I also talked about the 7 methods to speed up your website. In fact, I already shared 2 ways, which are compressing files and lessening redirects. Today, I shall discuss the other 5 tips. So, if you are ready, here they are:
Take off the unnecessary JavaScript
- Try to stay away from utilizing render-blocking JavaScript in your website structure. Should there be scripts that does not have to render right away, they should be put off just after the first render is done. To have a swift page speed, the content has to be little in volume and perform at a speedier rate.
Capitalize on browser caching
- Every time a visitor goes to a site, it gathers cache that results to data about images, style sheets, JavaScript and a lot more. When a user visits again, there will be no more reloading of the whole page.
- There are many advantages of having page speed is that you save a lot of time in sending numerous HTTP requests to the server. Also, there is a decrease on bandwidth and lesser cost to pay your hosting site.
Enhance the server response time
- When you take a look at the response time, there are many things that may influence its rate like the number of traffic of your site and the kind of software that your server uses.
Approximately aim for a time below 200ms. It also helps to examine the deficiency or slowness of database requests and slow routing.
- When you take a look at the response time, there are many things that may influence its rate like the number of traffic of your site and the kind of software that your server uses.
Guarantee that images are optimized
- Use the right size and file format. Before you import your images to your site, make sure they are really compressed for web purposes. The numerous images you use in your site will surely have an impact to the page loading time.
- Should you have many heavy images in your site, put them all in one output file. This will aid lessen the delay and the outcome in the development of your speed page.
Decrease the useless white space
- White space, line returns, comment tags, HTML and text can altogether gather and develop the page size from 10 to 20%. This will have a negative effect on your page load time. It is smart to analyze your pages and codes to the appropriate length to ensure faster speeds.
How do you know if things are fast?
Measuring Success
If you have considered doing the above suggestions, it is good to observe the overall site performance of your site so you will discover what else you have to improve. Below are some suggested tools you can use to help you:
- Pingdom Speed Test
- This tool will assist you in a basic speed check and overview including metrics like size per domain, size analysis, what kind of content that has multitude of requests. Most importantly, you will learn which of your pages are doing a good performance.
- Google PageSpeed Insights
- This was made available to us to give you page insights to know how your site is doing when it comes to speed. Websites are going to be scored from 1 to 100. If number is 85 or above, that means good performance. Of course, anything below that would mean improvements should be made.
- GTmetrix
- It is another useful but free tool. With GTMetrix, you will know 5 things: YSlow, page speed, video, history, and waterfall breakdown. The difference of GT metrix compared to the other tools is you can see the difference in performance against various connection set-ups.