Obsolete SEO Strategies that You Should NOT Do (Part 2)
Some obsolete SEO strategies just keep coming back from the dead. Like anything else in this world, things are bound to change. SEO has evolved, and the SEO practices below are not applicable anymore. In fact, SEO underwent extreme changes over the years. So, it’s pretty useless to bring back these old SEO tricks:
Stop writing for search engines.
- Like what I previously discussed, you are writing for people and not for search engines. When you try to rig the system and stuff keywords, these search engines will know it. They are program to detect unnatural behavior.
- When your page is crawled or scanned, they can see if a keyword is repeated over and over. Thus, the search engines won’t prioritize you if they notice something fishy.
- Note that search engines have evolved too, and they can definitely know if certain keywords are repeated excessively!
Stop article marketing, and distribution.
- For a time, article syndication was “in.” In broadcast syndication, TV programs are traded or sold for a fee. When you think the internet works like print and TV media, well, you are wrong.
- Google was able to stop this trend when it released the Panda update in 2011. The update was able to delete websites with poor content. Whether it was a poorly written article, or an article copied from another site, Google was able to identify these.
Google search engine.
- In this digital age, the bar is higher than expected. So, make articles not for article banks and forums. Create original content that showcases your trustworthiness.
Stop article spinning.
- This is usually done with a help of a software. Article spinning is a way of recreating a certain post, but using a different keyword, name, and business organization. It will basically have the same points as the original source.
- With the technologies advancing, especially AI, these fabricated articles are easily detected. Nothing beats an article creatively written by a person because it’s definitely something unique, fresh, and useful.
Say no to buying links.
- Back then, it’s common practice to pay in order to get numerous links redirected to your website. However, now, if you are having too many links that redirect to site, it may be deemed unsafe.
- If these backlinks are shady, it’s dangerous for the pointed website. So, it’s better not to engage in buying links.
- Like the previously mentioned tactics, Google can detect websites that are linking other websites at an incredible rate. Google can identify where links should be and should not be.
- Write high quality content so people will link your website in their articles. Write something helpful and something new so people will be encourage to share and link. You should not pay someone to do so.
Stop stuffing keywords on link labels.
- Link labels, or anchor text, are the clickable text in a hyperlink. It will tell readers what to expect if they click on a specific link.
- Before, the ideal SEO practice is to add keywords on the anchor text. However, when Google released the Penguin update, it was able to identify overly used keywords even in hyperlinks.
- Therefore, take time to write for people and not for search engines. A well-thought of article is a sure winner!