Scottsdale Web Design – Apply These Psychological Tricks on Your Website (Part 3)

Psychological tricks of colors and more.
We have finally are down to the 3rd part of the different psychological tricks you can use on your website. If you want to catch up, you can do so by clicking part 1 here, and part 2 is posted right this way. Reminding everyone that these concepts are not my own. This is based on a book called Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion.
- The price is right.
- Nowadays, consumers don’t buy something at first glance. They utilize internet and research for the product that offers value for money. Before deciding to buy an item, they look at the best available deals out there.
- One way to stand out from the rest is by using the classic example of the “.99” price tag. For example, competitors priced their items at $25.00, but you priced yours at $24.99. This pricing strategy convinces customers that the product is only $24 even though it’s a cent away from $25.
- It’s a way of telling the customers that are saving some bucks. In reality, the price difference is not that huge to be honest.
- Find the right timing.
- Amazon always knows where to put things and when to offer them. For example, when you put an audio CD in your cart, Amazon gives you more music recommendations. Once you are about to pay for the CDs, it will tell you that some customers also purchased these albums.
- Similarly, if you are selling mobile phones, why not offer accessories while they are reviewing their cart? Perhaps, you can suggest phone cases, earbuds, or portable speakers.
- Do not them these accessories while they’re still pondering on mobile phone brand to pick. It’s unnecessary to bombard them with add-ons. Once they’ve actually bought something, that’s the time you can introduce the compatible accessories.
- You can do this by sending a “thank you for your purchase” email. In this email, you can include a list of products they might enjoy based on their latest purchase.
- Colors of the wind.
- When you are selling a product, you have to master art of persuasion. One way to convince people to purchase is through color choices. Did you know by changing the appearance of your CTA buttons, it can actually help your website gain more clicks?
- In one survey, 93% of customers bought a product just because they liked how it looked. The remaining 7% said that they bought it because the product smells nice and feels nice as well.
- Furthermore, 85% of customers revealed that they bought a product just because the color appealed to them. This proves that choosing the right color is important in brand recognition. Aside from color, design and word choices play an important role too.
- If you are selling food products on your website, avoid a blue color scheme. No popular fast-food chain ever used blue because it is a color for weight loss. Blue, however, calms the mind and encourages trust. So, it’s ideal for services like banks, high tech products, and more.
- Top brands like McDonalds, KFC, Popeyes, Chick-fil-A are using a blend of red. The color red and orange brightens your website. It exudes a live and fresh vibe.
- If need a guide on choosing the right colors for your website, this post will help you a lot. If need details on many uses of different colors, it is all here. Lastly, I’ve also discussed the role of color contrast in web design.