What You Should Know About Cyber Threats

How to keep your online business secure?
One of the most important issue for businesses worldwide is its security online.
In spite of the assistance of technology to improve their operations using different methods, cyber attacks are still growing in numbers. This year, cyber threats are expected to hit even the nation state cyber espionage and this without question can damage many businesses. Know the top cyber risks and what they can do.
Here is the top list of key problems:
- Human error – is losing a smartphone or laptop that has sensitive data. When that happens, clients might decide to take legal action because of non-prevention of unauthorized access that contains confidential information of other people.
- Blackhat Hacker – this person can break into the computer system. Often, these cyber criminals do this for sheer profit. Hacktivists can damage your business and your reputation. They could also endanger the nation’s security.
- Spear Phishing – is sending emails that seems to come from someone you know. This could be a way of revealing certain confidential information, it could disable security measures, and could set off a computer virus that could compromise the system.
- Extortion – is when a person breaks into the data system of a firm by Structured Query Language (SQL) injection attack and since SQL is used for query, insert, update and modify data, the attacker can do a malicious payload or an SQL statement.
- Ransomware – is a malware that threatens a business in exchange for money. The hacker will expose sensitive files to the public if the ransom is not given.
- Distributed Denial of Service (or DDoS) attacks can disable multiple huge names. This is an outcome of a multiple compromised systems that can cause flooding the targeted system with a traffic of malformed packets, incoming messages, and connection request that can slow down or even crash and shut down. This will deny service to the legitimate users or systems.
- Internet of Things (or loT) – is a significant privacy threat. It is an inter networking of physical devices to connect a computer network with another. This will allow exchanging and gathering of data that cyber criminals can access.
- Dronejacking – drones are a helpful tool for professional photographers, videographers, but this technology can be hackedr.
- Social engineering – since cyber technology has been complex, cyber criminals can now use social engineering to bypass such system. This can manipulate or deceive key persons in sharing financial information or data by the use of the phishing techniques.
- Insider threats – is a threat from the inside and research shows that 60% of the security issues comes internally.
Of course, there are more cyber risks like mobile malware, machine learning, and fake ads.
Businesses should be way ahead of these cyber criminals as when an attack happens to your business, it can be catastrophic. You should make sure you have the right systems and software to keep you protected. Hire a good security professional or think of getting a cyber risk insurance. Know more about it here.